The 2012 Bet

This is the English version of a post (in Spanish) published on Feb 11, 2009.

Are you an astrologer, tarotist, medium, ufologist or simply a believer in paranormal topics and especially the unbeatable accuracy of the Mayan culture? If yes, are you interested in earn $1.000.000 (~US$ 1.600)?

Then don’t wait more! I defy you to bet against me about what will happen in the Earth on December 21, 2012. You will have the chance to win this fabulous amount of money.

[Update: This bet is finished, no punters were able to win it]

My Bet: On December 21, 2012, no end-of-the-world catastrophe of prophetic nature will happen.

Your Bet: On December 21, 2012, there will be a end-of-the-world catastrophe of prophetic nature.

My allowed “weapons”

  • Scientific skepticism

Your allowed “weapons”

  • Astral charts and horoscopes
  • Ouija board
  • Numerology analysis
  • Card deck
  • Candles, incenses
  • Crystal pyramids
  • Telepathy and telekinesis
  • Tachyonic water and creams 
  • Bach flowers
  • Celestial maps of Hercóbulus
  • Nostradamus’ centuries
  • Lapis lazuli amulets
  • UFOs and grey aliens
  • Mayan calendar
  • Jesus Christ, Buddha and Vishnu
  • Charles Berlitz’s ghost
  • All your friends believing the same as you

Only requirement for you to win the Bet: To demonstrate scientifically que the devastating event will be related with an end-of-the-world prophecy and not related to simple phenomena occurring normally within the boundaries of coincidences. Given this case, I must pay you the mentioned amount of money.

Only requirement for me to win the Bet: Thanks to my humble scientific skepticism, allowing me to examine and debunk the so-called evidences favoring the Apocalipsis, on December 21, 2012 will be just as expected: as a simple normal day. Given this case, you must pay me mentioned amount of money.

My paranormal-lover friend, considering the great advantages on your side, don’t think more and join this opportunity NOW!

P.S. If you thought that this bet it’s a trap, because if you win the world will be terminated, all of us will be dead and therefore I won’t be able to pay you, think about this: all the characters mentioned in your “weapons” (aliens, mayans, Jesus Christ, Buddha, Vishnu, Berlitz’s ghost) will use their power and conspire so the only human beings after the Apocalypse will be me and the other punter, so I will be able to pay you after all.

Update 1: In my astronomy website I published an article, in order to debunk the 2012+mayan fraud in detail. Please read it before comment (!).

Update 2: Because I don’t want to waste my time repeating recurrent explanations, below you will see colors related to topics already explained, so if your question is about one of them, first go to these linked explanations with its correspondent color. The article cited above also responds to the most common doubts, read it! (please understand, I have more important activities as amateur astronomer and not only check this post).

  • Galactic alignment >
  • Storm/solar flare > 
  • Calendar/mayan astronomy > 
  • Hercóbulus/ Nibiru > 
  • Magnetic field > 
  • Nostradamus >
  • Novelty Theory, Web-Bot and other stuff >